Human rights news from Slovenia

One of the non-governmental organizations in Slovenia that works in the field of combating trafficking in human beings and provides direct forms of assistance to potential and actual victims is Društvo Ključ – center za boj proti trgovanju z ljudmi [Society Ključ – centre for fight against trafficking in human beings].

They usually deal with adult women who are victims of sexual exploitation and who have experience with this form of trafficking in human beings, but they also deal with children. In 2022, they conducted research on a sample of employees in secondary schools, non-governmental organizations, educational institutions, youth homes, residential groups, public institutions, and crisis centers. They found out that approximately 10% of professional workers had perceived the possibility of a child being the victim of sexual exploitation in the past five years. About 26% reported detecting more than five such cases. Most reported that the children were between 15 and 18 years old. More results of the research are available in Slovenian here.


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