Integration Process in the Netherlands and Finland

Blog by Roos W.

Integration Process in the Netherlands

In the Netherlands, a migrant must complete the civic integration process if they are planning on staying for a longer period of time. Newcomers have three years to complete the civic integration process after their arrival in the Netherlands. The civic integration related course can be done in a classroom setting or independently. There is a new law since 2021 where newcomers have more freedom to choose their learning route. In case a migrant is coming to the Netherlands to live with a family member, the integration process begins while he/she is still outside the Netherlands (Ministerie van Algemene Zaken, 2022).

To help migrants to figure out how and where to start with the process, a tool is made. The tool gives them a step-by-step plan more specific to their situation (asylum seeker, voluntarily, family) (Step-by-step Plan – Inburgeren – DUO, n.d.). In the three years of the integration process, migrants get to learn the Dutch language and they learn about living and working in the Netherlands.

Besides that, they should try to find a job. Their contact person at the municipality helps them with the process. It is important that the contact person gets to know you better to help you with your plan to integrate and participate (PIP). Expected is that you do your best to achieve your goals.

In addition to the PIP, you also receive help with everything you must arrange and with money matters. You’ll be taught how money matters are arranged in the Netherlands. The contact person at the municipality is there for all the questions and helps getting through the integration process (Gemeente Landgraaf, 2022).

Integration Process in Finland

In Finland, there are different services to help migrants settle, find work, and learn the language. When moving to Finland migrants need to have an initial assessment. During this appointment, the local authority establishes the needed services. During the assessment, the authority collects information about one’s education, work experience and language skills for example. If support for integration is required, the authority will prepare an integration plan after the initial assessment. An integration plan details the measures that will aid the integration. If necessary, the TE office or municipality can guide through the integration training (Integration Into Finland, n.d.).

When arriving in Finland the immigration service will investigate several things, such as if you have relatives in another country or in Finland and if you applied for asylum in another country. After your application is examined in Finland, the Finnish Immigration Service will invite you to an asylum interview. During the interview the reasons for applying for asylum will be examined. After the interview a decision will be made and you will be informed (Maahanmuuttovirasto, 2020).


When comparing the integration process of both countries, you can see differences and similarities. In both countries migrants have an interview with someone of the municipality who helps them with an integration plan. The difference is that in the Netherlands a migrant is more guided in fulfilling the integration plan than in Finland. In Finland, a migrant gets help during the plan making, but after that it seems like the migrant must fulfill it by themselves and they must ask for help. I think this shows a cultural difference. From my own experience I can tell that in the Netherlands we often hold the hands of people who need help to guide them, when they also can do it themselves. But with migrants I think it is good that they get more help.

However, I also think it is good that migrants in Finland learn to ask for help, because after the process you need to be able to do it on your own and if you need help you need the courage to ask for it. From this point of view, both countries have positive and negative aspects in their integration process.

During the research I saw that both countries have different videos on YouTube with information and explanation about the integration process. In the time we live in, I think that is a great way to help people preparing for the process. I even saw that the Finnish Immigration service provides their videos in different languages. 

In my opinion, both countries have positive and negative aspects about the integration process. I think that there isn’t one integration process that is fully successful and doesn’t have any negative aspects at all. Also, I think that when you are migrating to another country, the Netherlands and Finland are good countries to migrate to. During the process you will be guided and if you ask for help and support, many people are more than happy to help you with your questions.


Gemeente Landgraaf. (2022, 25 januari). Integration in the Netherlands [Video]. YouTube.

Integration into Finland. (n.d.).

Maahanmuuttovirasto. (2020, 4 februari). 1 Applying for asylum in Finland (Englanti) [Video]. YouTube.

Ministerie van Algemene Zaken. (2022, November 21). Civic integration (inburgering) in the Netherlands. Integration in the Netherlands |

Step-by-step plan – Inburgeren – DUO. (n.d.).



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